
Discussion on “Habits”

Here are my thoughts on this interesting article from Fast Company.

Read Fast Company article HERE

95% of what we think, do, feel, and say EVERY day is habit! 95%! That leaves very little room for intentional thoughts and actions. So, the key is to create “great” habits and make them part of the 95%, making most of your day “great”! Repeated action is the only way to make something habit, and you can make anything a habit–a physical action, a thought, a feeling. Figure out what “action” you’d like to make a habit, one that will improve your life, and then find a way to repeat that over and over and over (for at least 3 weeks, the article says 66 days). There will come a day you will take this action and not realize you did and BAM! you’ve got a new habit!

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